Background The not so vicious false wolf spider The poisonous false wolf spider is increasingly seen in the Netherlands. Not everyone likes that idea. Do we have reason to fear this itsy bitsy creature? Louke Nieman • September 30, 2022
Event Lights out, stars on! You too, have probably looked at the night sky and maybe searched for some constellations, spotted a planet or just enjoyed the twinkling stars. And you may have noticed that you are able to see more stars in darker areas. This is why Leiden will be in the dark on the 25th of September. Elanor Feddema and Louke Nieman • September 22, 2022
News 416 candles on the cake Friday the 15th of July was the 416th birthday of Rembrandt van Rijn. Because this birthday was during the year of Leiden City of Science it was celebrated in a special way; with the smallest artwork in the world. Elanor Feddema • September 16, 2022
Background From parroting to grammar Animals communicate with each other in complex and intricate ways. What do their vocal abilities tell us about how vocal learning and language in humans may have evolved? Anne-Fleur Oskamp • June 18, 2022
Research The tragedy of Triturus During the course Popular Science Writing, students are asked to write an article based on a scientific talk, a practice that is close to our hearts. This week, an article about an eccentric newt, written by Dana Lefèbvre. Dana Lefèbvre • June 09, 2022
Research A partnership under the sea During the course Popular Science Writing, students are asked to write an article based on a scientific talk, a practice that is close to our hearts. This week, an article about the emperor shrimp by Belana van Wijngaarden. Belana van Wijngaarden • May 30, 2022
Symposium Rino-symposium: 25 years of physics for everyone Last Thursday, the Rino foundation organized a science communication-oriented symposium honoring its 25th anniversary. Whoever was not there, do not worry. Here you can find the jokes (and precious insights) that you have missed, covering everything from crybabies to sewers. Serafine Beugelink • May 16, 2022
Background The math gene investigated What’s the circumference of a circle? Or the square of sixteen? Such questions are really exciting to some people, but stressful to others. “I can’t do math” is an expression that’s all too common. Either you get it, or you don’t. But to what extent is a math level actually fixed? Serafine Beugelink • May 05, 2022